Jennifer's Blog
Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I don't know how all of you do it...... I seem so busy lately.

Here's my day:

1. Get up when I hear Eliana cry (hurry so Sammie doesn't wake up). Usually between 6 and 7am.
2. Feed Eliana. Hope she will be content to lie on the floor afterward, enjoying mommy jumping up and down, moving her arms and legs violently, then turning to see the strange lady on TV doing the same thing.
3. Say good morning to Sammie. (If I don't, I get heck the rest of the morning).
4. Take Eliana on a walk after she is not content lieing on the floor, etc. etc.
5. Wake Paul up.
6. Make coffee, milk, some sort of breakfast material.
7. Take a shower
8. Have bible study with Paul
9. Bless him as he leaves for work
10.Lay Elaina down for a nap
11.Tell Sammie to get dressed
12.Do school
13.Do school/feed the cat
14.Do school
15.Get Eliana up (she is saying da da, ma ma, ba ba, blah, blah which means get me outta here!!!)
16.Do school
17.Do school/feed Eliana homemade oatmeal/diaper/dress her
(Are you tired yet?)
18.Go get Paul lunch (usually involves driving across town because that's the only freaking place that serves healthy fast food).
19.Come home
20. Make lunch
21. Feed Eliana/diaper/Lay Eliana down for nap
22. Play with Sammie (it's mostly pretend-and of course, I always have to be the boy)
23. Clean
24. Clean
25. Clean
26. Greet Paul at the front door (which I love to do)
27. Talk/hold Eliana
28. Talk
29. Talk
30. Watch Paul make food (help him a little)(He is sooo wonderful)
31. Feed Eliana mashed up baby food (laugh while she does raspberries with a full mouth)
32.Wipe the mashed up baby food off my face
33. Wipe the walls
34. Wipe the baby
35. Eat/feed Eliana/convince Sammie that her food is really that good
36. Feed Eliana/diaper
37. Ask Paul to bless the girls
38. Put them to bed
39. Read Sammie a story (sometimes)
40.Exercise with Paul (2 to 3 days a week)
41. Sit down and have a nice cup of tea
42. Watch a movie/TV
43. Lock up
44. Take off my make-up (if I got around to putting it on and if I'm not too tired and say, "oh forget it")
45. Climb into a warm bed, because Paul has laid on my side for me. I hate a cold bed.
46.The End.

I love my life!!! It may be hectic, but it's fun and I'm never bored.

Jennifer at 2:26 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think I have to lie down!!!

Love Mom

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't your husband get his own lunch or pack a lunch to take with him in the morning? Can't he take responsibility for his own lunch??

Just curious

3:13 PM  
Blogger Lynne said...

I was wondering why you haven't blogged yet . . . now I know why.

My life is similar except the schooling thing and I'm nursing a lot. Don't you find that you are extremely tired when you nurse? I could take a nap after every feeding it seems but the boys hinder that option. I'm still trying to figure out Alyssa's schedule.

4:20 PM  
Blogger Jo's-D-Eyes said...

ooooowwww You are a manager.. specialised in all sort/kinds of things. Women esspecially mothers are very allround. We : bert & JoAnn, Wish you Jennifer and Paul a Merry Christmas + Happy NewYear!

7:09 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...


I like to take him his lunch. It gives me a chance to see him each day and gives me an excuse to get out of the house.

3:33 PM  

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