Jennifer's Blog
Friday, September 26, 2008

Pictures from our visit with Opa and Oma

Snuggling with Opa
Oma in her element at a fancy restaurant (the only place she finish off a steak)
Daddy showing Eliana the fish. I snuck this picture when they weren't looking.
Oma helping Eliana with her crayons. She was a big help on this trip.
Paul walked Eliana around the lazy river for probably 20 minutes! She loved it.
We had a wonderful time with Oma and Opa. The beach was especially nice with shopping, the water park (that is on the resort), the beach, sleeping in (Oma would tell Eliana to stay quiet so we could sleep) and many other wonderful things! Having them here is a wonderful excuse to take a vacation, something we don't do by ourselves.

Jennifer at 3:59 PM


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