Jennifer's Blog
Friday, April 06, 2007

Pictures of spring in NC

If you're wondering why I included a picture of our old truck, it's because it is covered in pollen. If you haven't been to NC in the spring, the pine trees throw off a yellow pollen every year. It gives everything a yellow hue for about two weeks and then after a good rain, it all washes away.
Paul has been taking care of the lawn this year. He does an amazing job! So far, there aren't many weeds, unlike last year when we hired a "professional". I don't know how Paul does it, but everything he wants to do, he does well.
The bright pink flowers are azaleas (I don't know if I spelled that correct). They are VERY native to NC and come in almost every color imaginable. We have white, light and dark pink, red and lavender with a light pink throat (sounds like an infection).

Jennifer at 3:25 AM


Blogger Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi, does this ground (all) is yours? I am just wondering, its a dreamplace....

I love the flower-trees, we have one too: A PINK-flower magnolia tree in front of our house....

8:40 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Yes, it comes to almost an acre. I don't know how that translates in Dutch. In the South, if you don't live in the big city, you usually have a chance to get a pretty good size property.

11:55 PM  

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