Recently we had the pleasure of attending one of our homschool group's functions-International Night. Every family (or child) picks a Country and makes a little project about that Country. Then they make a native dish from that Country and even dress up if they have the right attire. This is our third year participating: the first year we did Holland, the second year-Canada.
This year we did China. Since the Chinese culture is so vast though, we concentrated on the language. Then during the event, all the kids were given 'passports' and they had to go around to all the Countries to find answers to the questions inside. Here Sammie is deep in thought (hense the puzzled look).
The dress I am wearing was actually hand made and tailored in Beijing, China. My Uncle Doug went to China this year to help his Chinese sister-in-law get a visa and while he was there, he had this dress made for me. I love it!
Well, Thanksgiving is now over (both of them- ha ha). It was very nice. Again this year, I cooked a traditional Ringle Thanksgiving meal. About a month ago, I thought maybe we should skip the hassle and go out for Thanksgiving. But as the day approached, I wanted more and more to have all the items that I remember from growing up. So on Monday, I headed to Food Lion and picked up a 13.5 lb Turkey (the smallest I could find), ingred.'s for stuffing, cranberry sauce, the must-have cauliflower dish, and ingred.'s for Thomas Jefferson Biscuits. It turned out to be about the right amount. We had leftovers, but not too many.
On Friday, all the women/girls in the family go shopping! So we met up at Aunt Grace's house (my Chinese Aunt) and left from there. Mom rode with me and the girls while everyone else piled into Heather's van. I had a great time with my Mom! It felt just like old times.
I have this blog mostly because of my sister-in-law, Yvonne. She has had her blog forever...well, in blog history. This blog's purpose, I would say is to keep my family and friends up-to-date on the latest pictures and experiences of our lives. With this digital age, there are so many pictures, that sometimes they get lost on disks and the computer. This helps to keep them where they belong, in the memories of those we love.
I am passionate about God, my husband Paul, my daughters Sammie and Eliana and worship music; especially vineyard, passion and other comparable music. I love singing and playing the piano which I basically taught myself with the help of my immensely talented husband, my sister-in-law, Yvonne (who is also extremely talented) and the Lord. I like listening to Joyce Meyer and watching sappy movies that make me cry.
If you were to hang around me long enough, you would find that I am not picky, I am very easy going and I pretty much go with the flow. I require just a few things to make my life enjoyable: an occasional trip to the salon, time with my girlfriends and snuggles by my husband.
My husband is Amazing! I had to find him in another country because there were no good ones here for me. I also am completely convinced that God picked out one specific man for me and he was in Canada. Paul is romantic, always thinking of how he can please me and very passionate about God. He is a true family man, wanting rather to spend time at home with us than go out with his friends. My husband does not compromise with his faith. He lives his life by the bible and the leading of the Holy Spirit. I am thankful for Paul and I hope I say it enough to him. We have been married since Jan. 1993
My First Daughter
Samantha was born August 17, 2001. She is very energetic, imaginative, intelligent and social. Sammie is homeschooled and doing extremely well, reading about a book each day. Sammie plays very well by herself because she was an only child for almost 5 years. She loves to sing and is practicing harmonizing with Paul and myself. When Sammie grows up, she wants to be an animal groomer. I hope that whatever she does, Sammie will seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
My Second Daughter
Eliana was born June 4, 2006. She is definitely her own person! She is very determined and loves to make us laugh. She is strong willed and very inquisitive. From the time Eliana was very young, she has been the comedian in the family (just like her Daddy). I enjoy tremendously having Eliana.
My First Son
Nicolas was born February 13, 2009. He is laid back, a true 3rd born child. Nico smiles easily, even strangers can get him to smile, which always makes the elder ladies in the store very happy.