Jennifer's Blog
Friday, September 26, 2008

More Pictures from our visit

Here we are in the mall. Paul gave all the girls money to spend on whatever we wanted. Of course, I went straight to the maturnity store. Oma waited patiently until we came back to Sanford and then bought some Clinique makeup.
This is a shot I took from our balcany on the 21st floor. I zoomed all the way in to capture Paul and the girls at the edge of the water.
The waves were a bit strong so we stayed at the water's edge. We all loved it just the same.
My little 7 yr. old
After the beach, we decided to go to the hot tub. (Don't worry, I only put my legs in). It felt more like a bath tub. Afterward, Paul "dared" Oma to jump in the pool which was too cold for me. Of course, Oma had to show him up by swimming back and forth and making chicken noises when Paul got out rather quickly. I wonder where Paul gets his competitive spirit from??
If you haven't seen the other pictures I put on, from our visit, scroll down.

Jennifer at 4:09 PM

Pictures from our visit with Opa and Oma

Snuggling with Opa
Oma in her element at a fancy restaurant (the only place she finish off a steak)
Daddy showing Eliana the fish. I snuck this picture when they weren't looking.
Oma helping Eliana with her crayons. She was a big help on this trip.
Paul walked Eliana around the lazy river for probably 20 minutes! She loved it.
We had a wonderful time with Oma and Opa. The beach was especially nice with shopping, the water park (that is on the resort), the beach, sleeping in (Oma would tell Eliana to stay quiet so we could sleep) and many other wonderful things! Having them here is a wonderful excuse to take a vacation, something we don't do by ourselves.

Jennifer at 3:59 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sammie got her ears pierced!!!

After Sammie went and got her ears pierced, we had this conversation on msn:

Paul or Jennifer says:
Hi Sammie. Do you like your earrings?

Sammie says:

Paul or Jennifer says:
Do they hurt at all?

Sammie says:

Paul or Jennifer says:
Was it as scary as you thought?

Sammie says:
not as scary as i thought

Paul or Jennifer says:
I'm glad

Paul or Jennifer says:
I felt the same way

Jennifer at 3:21 PM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's Official

We found out yesterday that we're having a baby boy!! I haven't really blogged about it, I guess that third child is not getting as much attention as the others did. Well, we are still very excited about this new addition to our family.

As soon as I am able, I will put pics for you to see. For now, look at what my Mother-in-law has posted on her site. She has a few of the pictures, but there are more.

Right now, I am 19 weeks along. That means next week I'll be halfway through. It has gone very fast so far and very easy. I have had no morning sickness like with the girls. I'm not sure whether that is because I know to eat something as soon as I get up in the morning or just because this pregnancy is different. Either way, the only thing that has made me sick is the smell or talk about gross things.

I will keep you up to date and put in new pictures asap.

Jennifer at 9:10 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sammie's Rules

For quite a while before having Eliana, I wondered how other mothers were able to tell what their children's personalities were like. I couldn't really figure out Sammie's because I was around her all the time and nothing seemed to stand out.

....but then I had Eliana.

....and all of a sudden I could see the vast differences between the two of them. Then I knew it, I knew how other mother's could do it.

By comparison.

So with Sammie being the bossy, no nonsense, princess type that she is, it didn't surprise me that she came up the other day with a list of rules for her 8th birthday party.
Now Sammie just had her 7th party, so she is very prepared....

Rule #1: No Boys allowed
Rule#2: Have Fun
Rule#3: Don't make a Mess
Rule#4: Introduce yourself to others at the party
Rule#5: Eat everything on your Plate (which I don't where she got that one from b/c we don't make her do that).
Rule#6: Don't be loud at night when others are trying to sleep
Rule#7: Make sure to bring your sleeping bag and pillow

I could very well see Sammie as a grown business woman, not particularly in a hurry to get married or have children. I think she will get married and have children, I just don't think she is that little mother you see in some girls.

Jennifer at 9:32 AM