Goes too fast

I can't believe it!! I am now 6 months pregnant. I am so amazed at how quickly the 2nd pregnancy goes, compared with the 1st. But I enjoy it just the same. I love walking around with maternity clothes on, that make me look REALLY pregnant. It is just so much fun. On Fridays, I keep Brennen, my friend's little boy and it is so funny seeing the expression on people's faces when I walk in with a 4 year old, a 3 year old and a pregant belly. You can just see what they are thinking,
"Boy, that lady sure is a baby maker" or "Doesn't she know how when to quit?"
I usually don't say anything, because it's just more enjoyable to watch people get themselves in a tizzy.

I wish we were closer by so that we could help. Ron put up drywall board all around our basement in 3 days. It was very hard work but he got it up and did a terrific job. I wish renovations could be cheaper to do.
I know what you mean. It must have been thousands that we spent on insullation. Of course, Paul likes to put up the best for his money. That turns out to be the best investment over time. We would love to have his help. Interested in a warmer climate??? (ha ha)
A warmer climate . . . well, sorry, we just signed our lives away. (hee hee)
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