Jennifer's Blog
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

God's Wrath

A couple of different friends of mine and I have gotten into the conversation talking about whether hurricane Katrina was "God's wrath" upon New Orleans. I was taught earlier in my christian walk that God's wrath was poured out upon Jesus on the cross.

But a few things I've been taught lately have caused me to think....

First of all, John the Baptist said that the wrath of God abides on people who don't believe in the Son. So, if you have a large population of people who do not believe in the Son, are they more likely to have a catastrophe happen because the wrath is upon so many of them?

Romans 2:5 says that someone who has a hard and impenitent heart treasures up (stores up) wrath against the day of wrath. Or so it seems, has like an "account" that builds up and then before the throne, they are judged.
So that makes it sound like wrath is not until we are judged before the throne.

One other thought....

Romans 8:22 says, For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. It is talking about the groaning, waiting for the adoption or redemption of the body.
So does the earth also groan because of the wickedness on the earth? ie. earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.?

Jennifer at 12:35 AM


Blogger Jennifer said...

I love to think about God and what He thinks about certain issues.
I know it probably pleases Him when we strive to know every aspect of who He is.

11:13 AM  

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