Which Bug loves You?
Have you ever noticed that some people just attract certain types of bugs?For instance, Paul is a mosquito magnet. If there's a mosquito and she (the female mosquito) has 100 people to choose from, she'll go straight for Paul.
Sammie on the other hand, always manages to land herself on top of a fire ant hill! Poor thing, she's been attacked three times in her short life. While I have no idea what the bite from a fire ant feels like.
Me..........................I'm totally attractive to bees.

Two weeks ago, I was "blessed" by the presence of a yellow jacket. Those nasty little things are as aggressive as KILLER BEES, but more numerous. This one decided it would end its miserable, little life stuck in my wrist! By the end of the night, my whole forearm was the size of my husband's and he's the size of a football player!

But am I a trooper or what? I managed to mantain my composure and attend two birthday parties while my arm continued to swell and twich with venom.
So what's the worst pain I've experienced? NOT giving birth, NOT getting an IV put in by a novice, no it's the little creature that chose to leave his stinger in me!
Maybe I AM a woos.
Jason is a magnet for "Amway" people. If they see him, they launch on him like the plague.
I can't say that any bugs like me. Hmm...should I be offended??
(by the way, I use a service called bloglines.com to read all the blogs. It hasn't been showing your blog as having any posts! That's why I haven't been commenting! I didnt know you had posted in weeks! I think there must be something fishy with your css feed)
I didn't even know am-way was still around?? To bad for Jason.
Believe me, you shouldn't be offended, those little buggers make you paranoid.
Well, I'm glad you came over to see the site. I enjoy your comments so much, they make me laugh.
you have to admit, that might "bee" a little funny having someone stung inside their mouth (well in a twisted kind of way) I couldn't imagine having something like that happen so thanks for the warning!!
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